Moving your Kronocard data to a new computer
When you need to move Kronocard data from one computer to another one here is the procedure to to it. Before starting and to make this easier we suggest that you uninstall Kronocard
When you need to move Kronocard data from one computer to another one here is the procedure to to it. Before starting and to make this easier we suggest that you uninstall Kronocard
When you need to remove a card from sale on or on eBay you need to go into Kronocard and change the status to NOT and hit save.
If you need to move your physical cards from one section to another one, in the same box or in another box, here is the way you can do it.
Group your cards by year, series and quality. This will help you optimize documentation time and reduce your costs. You do not have to sort them by card number. Also you may have many groups of the same set.
In light of the speed and efficiency of our program we recommend re-scanning your cards in that box.