How to edit 4000 cards at the same time?
Here is a previously undocumented function of Kronocard. If you do a search that returns hundreds of results, the normal operation of the button that invokes the group edit screen (grid icon) is to load only the first 30 cards (or 50, or 100, depending on the number selected just above). To edit the next 30 you have to click the double arrows to change the page.
The tip: If you leave the number of cards at 30 and you press the [Ctrl] key on your keyboard when you click the group edit button then, it is not the first 30 cards that will be loaded into the editing grid but the first 4000! And if you change the page then it will be the next 4000! So, this hidden feature is now available to everyone and, could be especially handy for those who want to export several cards at once. But, beware: If your computer is not very powerful, 4000 cards in the editing grid could cause slowdowns.